Signs Your Sewer May Be Clogged

A clogged sewer line can be a big problem for homeowners. If you don’t catch it until it’s too late, a clogged sewer line can cost thousands of dollars to repair and create a big mess in your yard and home. Fortunately, there are some signs you can look out for that might indicate an issue with it. If you see or hear any of these signs, you should call a company that specializes in sewer cleaning near Northridge, CA, to come out and inspect your line.
Water Backing Up Out of Your Drains
Water is supposed to go down your drains, not come back up it, so if you see water pooling around any drains in your home, there’s a chance you could have a problem with your sewer line. When your sewer line is clogged, water cannot pass through it, and it has to go somewhere, so it will find its way back into your home. You should take this very seriously and call a plumber right away.
Sounds Emanating From Your Toilets
Do your toilets ever make a gurgling sound when you’re using water in a different part of your home? This is your sewer line telling you that it needs your attention. As water attempts to pass through your sewer line unsuccessfully, it will cause the water in your toilet to make sounds. A plumber will be able to identify these sounds and tell you if they are the result of a clogged sewer line.
Problems Flushing Your Toilets
Every now and then, your toilet will back up and you will need to unclog it. However, if you find that your toilet is clogging on a fairly regular basis or, worse, almost every time you use it, you could have a serious problem with your sewer pipe.
Sewage in Any Part of Your Home
This is the most obvious sign of a clogged sewer line as well as the most serious. Once sewage starts backing up into your home, you have a problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible by an emergency plumber.